發佈於 29/12/2004 作者: 新的手機 我終於換了手機,因為舊的手機最近很多時候也無故斷線,令到我帶來不少麻煩,而且這手機也服務了幾年,所以就換了它。 這次我決定選用了Palm的手機– Xplore M28,一來這是港產的電話,兩來我的palm也很舊了,是時候換了,經過一輪的研究及比較,決定買了這款手機,一機兩用,實在好得無比。 不過,昨日我去了買後,昨晚發覺它有小小的毛病,所以今早拿了去換,香港的品質檢驗也未做到十分好,辛好那個售貨員也願意換給我,而我就palm的資料重整,來灌到這機內。
Dear brother in Christ, I am David, a christian attending the Lutheran Truth Church in Yumatei. I would like to ask the mobile M28 xplore is good to use or not? Is it easy to “hang” . Is it easy to read the bible in the mobile? Pls.kindly recommed. Thanks a lot. Regards, David
Dear brother in Christ,
I am David, a christian attending the Lutheran Truth Church in Yumatei. I would like to ask the mobile M28 xplore is good to use or not? Is it easy to “hang” . Is it easy to read the bible in the mobile? Pls.kindly recommed.
Thanks a lot.