WordPress 2.6

趁著「北冕」探訪香港,被迫留在家中,我把札記改了版面,以及將系統升級為wordpress 2.6,上到2.6,我感受到web2.0的力量。



A Blessing unto Nations

在讀大專的時代,我是積極參與校園福音運動,我之所以做傳道人,當時的影響實在很大。 在那時,我是參與「學園傳道會」的國際性機構,在三年的讀書日子,我覺得最感動我的是這一首歌:

A Blessing unto Nations 

We’ve come a long way, through laughter and tears,

We grow and we pray as days turn to years,

We had a dream, and now it seems, reality is here ……

Lord, help me to see, beyond this land,

just willing to be all things to men

Lord, here I am, for you to send a blessing unto nations!!

I’ll be a blessing unto all the nations,

I will declare that Jesus Christ is Lord!!!

Come join with me, and be in this family,

to be a blessing unto nations!!!

The journey is long sometimes we fall,

but we will be strong, we will stand tall,

so hand in hand come on my friend be faithful to the call!!!

when Jesus returns in majesty, we will confess on bended knees,

that He is Lord, that He is King a blessing unto nations!!!!

I’ll be a blessing unto all the nations,

I will declare that Jesus Christ is Lord!!!

Come join with me, and be in this family,

to be a blessing unto nations!!!

這是一首十多年前,新加坡學國傳道會所作的詩歌,歌詞是根據創世記中耶和華曾多次的應許亞伯拉罕成為萬國的祝福,我們相信我們在屬靈上是亞伯拉罕的後裔,所以我也相信我們可以成為萬國的祝福,雖然萬國好像好遠好大,但其實這也可以從身邊的同學、朋友及家人做起,成為他們的祝福。 在上星期五,是學校的基督徒大會的日子,老師們也想透過今次聚會,來讓基督徒一同聚集,一同立志在不同的地方見證上帝! build_burn1.jpg build_burn2.jpg build_burn3.jpg

Upgrade to WordPress 2.0






前 幾天,我發現了QQ有了繁體版,我趕快下載並安裝了,之後就與海南的朋友聯系上,結果我發現,雖然我輸入的是繁體,但在在內地他們可以讀到簡體,而相反他 們打的簡體,我也可以用繁體看到,我覺得這個programme比ICQ更強,是與中國內地同胞溝通的好幫手! 

WordPress 1.5.2

WordPress 又出了1.5.2,根據資料說是作了一些的bug fix,而upgrade去1.5.2實在容易,可能經過多次upgrade的經驗,所以知道那些files應該上載,那些不用,所以不用兩分鐘,已upgrade完成!